Dexter Cattle for Sale
2024 will be our last year producing registerable Dexters. Frost and Ruby spent some time with Coco before he relocated.
After that they will be introduced to Dexter Corner's Shortstack, our exciting new Miniature Jersey bull.
After that they will be introduced to Dexter Corner's Shortstack, our exciting new Miniature Jersey bull.
ALAP Rose was born 3/11/2024. She is parentage verified Fergus Farm Coco and Juniverse Ruby. She is PHA and chondro free, horned, and A2A2. We are watching her growth as we make decisions for next year.
Inquiries are welcome.
Inquiries are welcome.
Fergus Farm Coco
Coco has moved on. We are expecting a couple more of his calves in March 2024.
Coco has moved on. We are expecting a couple more of his calves in March 2024.
Solid and gentle, Coco is a superior homestead bull. He is naturally polled, A2/A2, PHA and chondro free, dun and carries red.
Frost and Ruby have been turned out with him and we are looking forward to their calves early next spring.
We are changing our future cattle goals but we couldn't resist one last season.
Frost and Ruby have been turned out with him and we are looking forward to their calves early next spring.
We are changing our future cattle goals but we couldn't resist one last season.
Dexter Cattle
Dexter cattle are a very small breed of tri purpose cattle. Originally from Ireland, they have been bred for milk, meat, and as draft animals. They are now an excellent homestead cow for small farms.
That One Farm Frost
Frost is a traditionally horned cow. She has tested A2/A2 for milk type. She has a calm personality and we have introduced her to the halter.
Juniverse Ruby
Ruby is naturally polled. She is smart and inquistive and came to us with a good foundation in halter breaking.